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UPD : Sanitary Ferrules

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UPD : Sanitary Ferrules

TC Sanitary End

Ferrules are manufactured in increments of 1/32”
Example: To order ferrules for a 3 1/2” O.D. hose, the
Part # would be 300-316-SS. (16/32” =1/2”)

Important! Always measure hose. It is not recommended
that you use catalog data, since this information often
varies from actual measurement.


Size Part #
3/4″ 075-XXX-SS
1″ 100-XXX-SS
1-1/2″ 150-XXX-SS
2″ 200-XXX-SS
2-1/2″ 250-XXX-SS
3″ 300-XXX-SS
4″ 400-XXX-SS



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