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UPD : Brass Ferrules for Air & Water Hose

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Over $250

UPD : Brass Ferrules for Air & Water Hose

*Sold by 50 piece bag only


Part # A I.D. B Length C Perforation Metal Thickness Bag Qty
4750 .478″ 11/16″ 21/64″ .025″ 50
9974 .527″ 1″ 7/16″ .025″ 50
7325 .562″ 1″ 7/16″ .025″ 50
7326 .593″ 1″ 7/16″ .025″ 50
7327 .625″ 1″ 7/16″ .025″ 50
7328 .656″ 1″ 7/16″ .025″ 50
7329 .687″ 1″ 1/2″ .025″ 50
7330 .718″ 1″ 1/2″ .025″ 50
7331B .750″ 1″ 1/2″ .025″ 50
7332B .781″ 1″ 1/2″ .025″ 50
7333 .812″ 1″ 5/8″ .025″ 50



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